
Four Seasons Hotel

–Harbour View Ballroom


Mavis & Dominic

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel

–The Pavilion

Thank you Hayley! 多謝哂你哋嘅幫忙❤️啲佈置加上好天氣令到成件事好完美❤️❤️好多謝你哋嘅同事咁幫忙,所有野都好靚❤️尤其是當日個位女同事,非常之幫到手,麻煩你幫手同佢講聲多謝

Mildred & Jimmy

Repulse Bay

– Verandah

Hello Sandra😊收到攝影師12號影嘅相啦, 想send返俾你😊 再次多謝你地做我哋decor😎真係好靚

Naomi & Larry

Harry Truman, Designer

“We have enjoyed our photo session here very well, after 1-week family travelling. We will definitely visit again.”

25 / 4 / 2021

Edna Marxten, Designer

“We loved our time here at your wonderful studio. A special place with exceptional attention to detail.”

27 / 4 / 2021

Ayatollah Green, Director

“We have enjoyed our photo session here very well, after 1-week family travelling. We will definitely visit again.”

29 / 4 / 2021

Susie Perkins, Designer

“I have felt welcome and special because of the welcoming smiles and kindness. We will be back soon.”

30 / 4 / 2021

Dougie Jones, Designer

“The service was impeccable and the staff was the best we've met. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

2 / 5 / 2021

Dora Jonestown, Designer

“We have enjoyed our photo session here very well, after 1-week family travelling. We will definitely visit again.”

4 / 5 / 2021

Regent Hong Kong

– 2/F Function Room


Stella Yu & Samuel Chow

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel



Yoyo Kwok & Ken Tsang

Island Shangri-La Hong Kong

–39/F Library+ Artrium

依家先有時間搵你地 我琴日都無時間出黎見一見你地 唔好意思丫 好多謝你哋琴日嘅佈置❤️大家都話靚 待別係個花園拱門 我一定會推薦你哋比朋友 話佢哋知 揾你哋場地佈置可以十分放心 婚禮少一樣煩惱!

Cathy & Karl